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Wednesday, 31 October 2012


ہنستے چہروں پے اداسی کے فسانے لکھھ کے  

کس قدر کھیلتی ہیں جذبات سے یادیں اکثر

Saturday, 8 September 2012


گیۓ دنوں کی بات ہے  
  بارشوں میں نہایا کرنا 
اب کے اصول یہ طے پایا گیا 
کھڑکی سے ان بادلوں کو دیکھا کرنا 
اپنے دل کو اپنی ہی مٹھی میں مسل دینا 
اور چاہتے نہ چاہتے 
مسیحائی کرنا 

Friday, 3 August 2012

Free Medical Camp In Herdogher

This camp was a part of series of camps we have been arranging from the forum of Shajri welfare trust in villages of Islamabad.
The main theme of medical camp was the same,  that was to spread health awareness among the masses and to help people get free of cost treatment and guidance.
  • The camp was totally sponsored by locals.The worth mentioning fact is that almost 40-45% of total cost was sponsored by non-earning youth of the village,  out of their pocket money.
  • It was held for 2 hours and 30 minutes, was held on 22nd of July 2012 from 4:00 p.m to 6:30p.m.
  • The camp was attended by 78 people. The youngest patient who was brought to camp was of 10 months. At the other extreme of age there came a patient of 80 years of age.
  • Fasting blood sugar levels of more than 45 people were checked as people were fasting at the time of checking. This is a more   specific test as compared to random blood sugar levels for the diagnosis of diabetes.
  • The cases presented in Camp were almost of every sort. i.e. hypertension, diabetes, gastric discomfort, general body aches, weakness, abscess (to which incision and drainage was done), headache, loss of appetite, constipation, cough, pterygium, eye dryness, fever, tonsillitis, skin problems, back pain,hepatitis, valvular diseases and many more.
  • There were more than 70 different drugs available free of cost.
  • Some people were requested to come to hospital for investigations. One of the patient was recently diagnosed, free of cost, hepatitis C after expansive tests facilitated by Shajri Welfare Trust. Another one was provided free costly medication from tertiary care hospital (P.I.M.S.). A kid was also investigated, fortunately his labs came out normal.
  • 100 % free medicines were provided for every patient came within the due time, with the diseases mentioned above.
  • Some people who came late after closing were provided with medications later on.
  • The co-operation of the local school owners was phenomenal. They helped us by giving their place for camp, they were helping hand during the camp too.
  • Doctors who attended camp were:- 
  1.      Dr.Waseem (P.I.M.S)
  2.      Dr.Ateeq khan (P.I.M.S)
  3.      Dr.Omer Aziz Kazi (P.I.M.S)
  •  People who volunteered for the camp were:- 
  1. Obaid Kayani
  2. Madeen Kayani
  3.  Qasim Ayyaz
  4. Sohaib Ayyaz
  5. Tahir Mehmood Kayani
  6. Usman Ali
  7. Azam Hussain
  8. Muhammad Zaki

Thursday, 17 May 2012


یہ حسن یہ جوانی یہ ادائیں یہ ناز 
سب چھپ جاتا ہے چہرے کی سلوٹوں کے بیچ

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

مجھے سکھا دو

مجھے سکھا دو چھپانا اپنا آپ 
   پھر کہنا میری پاکیزگی کے قصّے دن رات 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

محبت جتنی تم سے ہے

محبت جتنی تم سے ہے
اگر میں خود سے کرتا تو
میں خود کو توڑ تو دیتا 
کبھی تنہا نہیں ہوتا.......

Friday, 3 February 2012

بارشیں سردیوں کی

سردیوں کی بانہوں میں 
بارشیں اترتی ہیں
تنہائیوں  کے سب احساس 
اک شدّت سے ابھرتے ہیں 
نہ جانے کیوں بہت سے درد 
پھر سے تازہ ہوتے ہیں 
ماضی کے کئی چہرے 
آنکھوں میں اترتے ہیں 
تو آنکھیں بھیگ جاتی ہیں ......


بکتے ہوے ضمیر 
حق مارتےخاص  لوگ 
زندگی کی دوڑ میں  
آگے نکلتے جاتے ہیں 
قسمت ان عام سے 
لوگوں پر مسکراتی ہے 
اور اپنا دامن 
خواص کی جھولی میں 
ڈال دیتی ہے 
اپنی منہ مانگی قیمت 
وصول کر کے....
اور یہ عام لوگ 
اپنی قسمت مفت میں 
ڈھونڈتے زندگی سے گزر جاتے ہیں 
بہت  سی
لے کر......

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Hachiko...An example of loyalty

      "Dog is a loyal and faithful animal" we keep hearing this statement from childhood. But one dog about which I came to know this morning is a special one, Hachiko, famous for the loyalty for his deceased owner for almost 9-11 years.
Hachiko (taken from Wikipedia)
        It was a 1 year owner-pet relationship from 1924-1925. During this one year Hachiko used to see his owner off and wait for his return at the station nearby. This routine continued after the death of his owner in 1925 till the death of Hachiko in 1935. Hachiko's loyalty came into spotlight when a student of the owner started studying breed of the dog and he followed Hachiko, he found out that dog appeared just at the time of the owner's arrival.Later Hachiko was written about in news papers. He was a recognized symbol of loyalty and the vigil of Hachiko was used by teachers as an example to follow for children.
         Before the death of Hachiko in 1934, the bronze statue of the dog was erected at the station where he waited for his master. Hachiko was present at the unveiling of statue. 

Hachiko's statue at his waiting spot

      There is an annual ceremony is conducted at the station on 8th of April. His mounted and stuffed remains are kept in national science museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo. 
Hachiko at national science museum of Japan

A film was premiered in 2009 based on true story of the dog. Hollywood actor Richard Gere played the role of Professor (Owner of the Dog).